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Главная » 2017 » Август » 14 » Yucatan ITU Triathlon World Cup
Yucatan ITU Triathlon World Cup

  August 12 in Mexico in Merida (Yucatan) was the World Cup triathlon at the sprint. Men did not have equal to the hosts of the competition. And the first to out the swim was William Huffman from the United States and the Japanese Jumpey Furuya, along with which a group of leaders sailed. On the race of Jumpey Furuya and the opening of this season, American Set Rider was in the lead and the first to start running. They were pursued by a group of 13 riders. On the run, the leader came Japanese, but he caught up with the Mexicans – Irving Perez and Cesar Saracho. And the finish came running a large group and the strongest was Irwin Perez! According to the results of the Mexican on the World Series, it was clear that he was gaining form and ready to fight for prizes! Cesar Saraco retained second place under the pressure of rivals. The third place was occupied by the German Maximilian Schwetz. Jumpey Furuya, who was leading the race finished in fourth place. Another contender for the prize-winning places - Kevin McDowell (USA) got the penalty time and finished on the fifth position. In the top 10 Mexican Eder Mejia Munoz, Frenchman Felix Duchampt, Mexican Rodrigo Gonzalez, Canadian Matthew Sharp and Luciano Taccone from Argentina finished. Set Rider showed 11 results. And the best on swimming, William Huffman finished in 34th place. 17th place in the Estonian Alexander Latin, who is the first start of the season. The next race is the World Series in Stockholm.
  For women, the first favorite of the Summer Cook race from the United States, with whom the Canadian came Amelie Kretz, Tamara Gorman from the USA and Lindsey Jerdonek from the United States, was the first to finish the race. At the race of leaders caught up with a group of persecutors, which was Lisa Perterer from Austria. A group of 12 participants arrived in the transit zone. And the leaders of the race on the run came Summer Cook and Lindsey Jerdonek. Applied to the prize-winning places Lisa Perterer and Canadian Dominika Jamnicky. Summer Cook wins the race, while Lisa Perterer and Lindsay Zherdonec competed for second place. More forces were saved at the finish by an American, who won second place in the tired Lisa Perterer. The fourth place in Dominica Jamnicky. Tamar Gorman is the fifth. In the top 10 Elizabeth Bravo from Ecuador, the hostess of the competition Claudia Rivas and Adriana Barraza, Amelie Kretz and Cecilia Perez Flores from Mexico finished.

Elite Men
1    Irving    Perez    MEX    00:54:56    
2    Cesar    Saracho    MEX    00:55:02    0:00:06
3    Maximilian    Schwetz    GER    00:55:04    0:00:08
4    Jumpei    Furuya    JPN    00:55:06    0:00:10
5    Kevin    McDowell    USA    00:55:10    0:00:14
6    Eder    Mejia Munoz    MEX    00:55:26    0:00:30
7    Felix    Duchampt    FRA    00:55:29    0:00:33
8    Rodrigo    Gonzalez    MEX    00:55:36    0:00:40
9    Matthew    Sharpe    CAN    00:55:41    0:00:45
10    Luciano    Taccone    ARG    00:55:50    0:00:54
11    Seth    Rider    USA    00:55:54    0:00:58
12    Ryousuke    Maeda    JPN    00:55:56    0:01:00
13    Aram Michell    Penaflor Moysen    MEX    00:55:59    0:01:03
14    Taylor    Forbes    CAN    00:56:01    0:01:05
15    Jeremy    Briand    CAN    00:56:04    0:01:08
16    Ramon Armando    Matute    ECU    00:56:08    0:01:12
17    Aleksandr    Latin    EST    00:56:14    0:01:18
18    Amitai    Yonah    ISR    00:56:24    0:01:28
19    Gonzalo Raul    Tellechea    ARG    00:56:31    0:01:35
20    John    Rasmussen    CAN    00:56:44    0:01:48
21    Fabian    Villanueva Moehl    MEX    00:56:48    0:01:52
22    Kaue    Willy    BRA    00:56:54    0:01:58
23    Jason    West    USA    00:56:55    0:01:59
24    Makoto    Odakura    JPN    00:56:57    0:02:01
25    Michael    Arishita    USA    00:57:08    0:02:12
26    Tony    Smoragiewicz    USA    00:57:13    0:02:17
27    Abraham    Rodriguez Moreno    MEX    00:57:14    0:02:18
28    Miguel Angel    Marquez Aleman    MEX    00:57:15    0:02:19
29    Jaime    Gonzalez Buganza    MEX    00:57:17    0:02:21
30    Vicente    Trewhela    CHI    00:57:20    0:02:24
31    David    Mendoza    MEX    00:57:34    0:02:38
32    Philip    Pertl    AUT    00:58:15    0:03:19
33    Flavio    Morandini    ARG    00:58:20    0:03:24
34    William    Huffman    USA    00:58:27    0:03:31
35    Brennen    Smith    CAN    00:58:34    0:03:38
36    Martin    Demuth    AUT    00:59:18    0:04:22
37    Michael    Lori    CAN    00:59:35    0:04:39
38    Juan Alejandro    Delgado Vallejo    MEX    01:00:05    0:05:09
39    Edson    Gomez Ruiz    MEX    01:00:18    0:05:22
40    Collin    Chartier    USA    01:00:21    0:05:25
41    Luis Diego    Piedra Rojas    CRC    01:01:49    0:06:53
42    Andrew    Roos    USA    01:02:39    0:07:43
DNF    Laszlo    Tarnai    HUN        
DNF    Matthew    Wright    BAR        
DNF    Diego Alejandro    Lopez Acosta    MEX        
DNF    Mauro    Cavanha Conceicao    BRA        
DNS    Shiruba    Taniguchi    JPN        

Elite Women
1    Summer    Cook    USA    01:00:17    
2    Lindsey    Jerdonek    USA    01:00:43    0:00:26
3    Lisa    Perterer    AUT    01:00:47    0:00:30
4    Dominika    Jamnicky    CAN    01:01:02    0:00:45
5    Tamara    Gorman    USA    01:01:23    0:01:06
6    Elizabeth    Bravo    ECU    01:01:30    0:01:13
7    Claudia    Rivas    MEX    01:01:43    0:01:26
8    Adriana    Barraza    MEX    01:01:51    0:01:34
9    Amelie    Kretz    CAN    01:02:01    0:01:44
10    Cecilia Gabriela    Perez Flores    MEX    01:02:12    0:01:55
11    Kaitlin    Donner    USA    01:02:15    0:01:58
12    Luisa    Baptista    BRA    01:02:23    0:02:06
13    Aoi    Kuramoto    JPN    01:02:27    0:02:10
14    Anel    Radford    RSA    01:02:34    0:02:17
15    Vanesa    De La Torre    MEX    01:02:47    0:02:30
16    Yurie    Matsuda    JPN    01:02:52    0:02:35
17    Emy    Legault    CAN    01:03:06    0:02:49
18    Sarah    Alexander    USA    01:03:20    0:03:03
19    Jessica    Romero Tinoco    MEX    01:03:38    0:03:21
20    Macarena    Salazar    CHI    01:04:53    0:04:36
21    Elisabeth    Boutin    CAN    01:04:54    0:04:37
22    Romina    Biagioli    ARG    01:05:05    0:04:48
23    Carolina    Rodriguez Robles    MEX    01:05:17    0:05:00
24    Paola    Diaz    MEX    01:05:30    0:05:13
25    Chelsea    Sodaro    USA    01:05:38    0:05:21
26    Diana    Vizcarra Montes    ECU    01:05:41    0:05:24
27    Nicole    Truxes    USA    01:06:15    0:05:58
28    Andrea Berenice    Gutierrez Gonzalez    MEX    01:06:29    0:06:12
29    Adriana Isaura    Carreno    MEX    01:06:49    0:06:32
30    Catalina    Salazar    CHI    01:07:27    0:07:10
31    Ivanna    Cervantes Richards    MEX    01:12:39    0:12:22
DNF    Chelsea    Burns    USA       

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