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Главная » 2015 » Март » 11 » Abu Dhabi ITU World Triathlon Series. The Results
Abu Dhabi ITU World Triathlon Series. The Results

  7th of March World Triathlon Series kicked off in Abu Dhabi. The race was held in very high pace and everything was resolved on a chassis segment. The race was held in very high pace and everything was decided on the run.Well, the race winner Mario Mola steel and Gwen Jorgensen. Paid places Vincent Luis and Richard Murray and South Africa, and women Katie Zaferes and Flora Duffy.

  The men on a bike race going pelaton, and in running the group spread out and divided into groups. In the first group fled winners of the competition, from which initially fell off the South African (who led the first stage of the race) and, later, the Frenchman could not keep pace Mario Mola. The second group led by Jonathan Brownlee and Javier Gomez Noya, who finished the race on the 5 and 6 positions respectively. A fourth place in the Portuguese Joao Silva. The top 10 also Fernando Alarza, Igor Polyanskiy, Vicente Hernandez and Sven Riederer. It is worth noting gathering Dmitry Polyanskiy from a distance, which is considered one of the favorites of the race, but as the beginning of last season - the first race of 2015 fails. But Igor pleased that in such stellar company showed high eighth position.

  In women, a group already stretched to the swimming segment and leaders in the bicycle race became a quartet Lisa Norden, Flora Duffy, Lindsey Jerdonek and Lucy Hall, which worked perfectly and arrived in this part of the treadmill segment. Most of the running phase of Flora in the lead, but win the race did not happen. With a minute lag from the leader after cycling - Gwen Jorgensen was not only able to get out of the depths of the group, but also to catch up with Flora. For Gwen and Katie Zaferes reached that's just walked Flora the last few hundred meters distance. Fourth place in Chilean Barbara Riveros. Fifth Andrea Hewitt and Lindsey Jerdonek finished sixth race! Charlotte McShane seventh. And closes the top 10 Yuka Sato, Sarah True and Kaitlin Donner..

Категория: Triathlon | Просмотров: 982 | Добавил: antonZap | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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